Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Are IT workers Professional Yes or No? Then Why?
(+_-)For me yes IT workers are professional its because when a person who graduate or finish the course of bsit it maybe having enough knowledge to pursue or work in one company.

When we say professional we know how to handle little things even big problems because they know better because of education.
we can enhance our skills on that or somewhat problems!!

therefore i am saying IT workers are professional its because of what they learn and what they experienced!!
for all that's all thank you so much=)


  1. ahh,only I can say is,not all graduate in BSIT course is the only people who learn about this!!

  2. I'm proud being 1 of IT professional blog cis...

  3. ...hi pearl thanx for ur frendship w/ me....un lang hehe.......

  4. Nyc blog miz ganda.....
    PROFESSIONAL jd tah,.....
